The structure of local government of the Municipal Formation
Kuz’minov Viktor Vladimirovich
Head of the municipal formation Kalininskaya district
Address: 147 str.Lenina, Office 26, Cossack village Kalininskaya
Phone: 8(86163)21456
Tolstunov Vasily Dmitrievich
Acting First Deputy Head of the municipal formation Kalininskaya district (investment commissioner)
Address: 147 str.Lenina, Office 26, Cossack village Kalininskaya
Phone: 8(86163)21456
Krikun Rodion Mihaylovich
Head of the Economics Department of the Administration of the municipal formation Kalininskaya district
Address: 147 str.Lenina, Office 7, Cossack village Kalininskaya
Phone: 8(86163)22022