The project involves the construction of the greenhouse complex, in which 18,900 tons of cucumbers, 9,504 tons of tomatoes, 2,601.1 tons of peppers and 360 tons of lettuce will be grown. The products will be shipped to food markets, private enterprises and individuals.
The construction period of the project is 2 years. The project needs 919.7 million rubles for investments. The payback period is 4 years. The project will create 190 new jobs.
A business plan and a planning permission are developed for investors; a land plot is defined in the Cossack village of Kalininskaya; the distance from the city of Krasnodar is 70 km; terminal points for electricity and gas are located close to the borders of the land plot.
For participation in the project, please contact:
The Administration of the Municipal Formation Kalininskaya district
Lenin Street, 147, Kalininskaya Cossack village, 353780.
Telephone/fax: 8 (86163) 22022
Contact person: Pakhomov Aleksandr Yuryevich, Head of Department of Investment, Small and Medium Enterprises.