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Kuban Enterprises Increased Wine Exports by 17% in 2020

In January-August 2020, the vine producers of the Krasnodar Region supplied 212.3 thousand decaliters of wine abroad. Exports increased by 17% compared to 2019, according to the press service of the Regional Administration.

In just five years, the region has allocated more than 2.3 billion rubles for the development of winemaking and viticulture.

In 2020, the production of champagne and sparkling wines grew by almost 10%, and that one of cognac – by 30%. In 2020, about 730 million rubles are allocated for planting vineyards and maintenance work. By the end of this year, 1,700 hectares of plantations will be planted in the Krasnodar Region.

The region plans to increase the supply of wine abroad by 1.5 times in the next five years. It should be recalled that in 2018, the export of wine products increased to more than 305 thousand decaliters.