The Kalininskaya district is located in the western part of the Krasnodar region, in 60 km from the regional center and bordered by the Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Timashevsk, Dinskaya, Krasnoarmeyskiy and Slavyansk districts. The district center is a Cossack village of Kalininskaya.
Half of the total population of the region lives in the two largest, equal in population Cossack villages of Kalininskaya and Starovelichkovskaya. Both the Cossack village were founded in 1794, among the first 38 historical Zaporozhian kurens, came from Transdnister to Kuban as a part of the Black Sea Cossack Army, retaining their Sich names.
The resident population of the district is 51.2 thousand people. The population lives in 27 settlements, combined in 8 rural settlements: Kalininskoye, Starovelichkovskoye, Boykoponurskoye, Grishkovskoye, Novonikolayevskoye, Dzhumaylovskoye, Kuybyshevskoye and Grivenskoye.
The total land area of the district is 149.9 thousand ha. Among them, agricultural lands are 115.4 thousand ha, and the area of farm fields is more than 101 thousand hectares. The total area of irrigated farm fields is 34.5 thousand ha.
The basis of economy of the Municipal Formation Kalininskaya District is a dynamic developing agricultural sector (including agriculture, processing, baking and milling industries), as well as fishing and fisheries sector.
Agriculture and processing industry are the most developed sectors of industry. These activities are priority in determining the prospective growth points of the Municipal Formation and determine the orientation of the investment strategy of development of the Municipal Formation Kalininskaya District.
The main factors in the development of these industries were that agricultural products have been produced for a long time due to unique climatic conditions and rich fertile lands in the district. Agricultural processing enterprises and that ones servicing the agricultural sector are simultaneously developed.
The work carried out by the Head of the Municipal Formation V.V. Kuzminov to attract investments is one of the priorities of social and economic development of the Municipal Formation Kalininskaya District. According to Viktor Vladimirovich, investments will help create favorable conditions to establish and develop business, which in turn will make the district economically attractive.
Based on the available natural conditions and the location with respect to the regional center, the work to attract investment to the construction of comfortable hunting bases and providing services for hunting and fishing is carried out in the district.
The investment policy of the Administration of the district in the field of agricultural production is aimed at the modernization of the technological base of agriculture, improvement of farming, diversification of a product range, ensuring its safety, the creation of closed production cycles, including production, processing and sales.
Recently the senior management of the district has put a focus on diversification of the economy with the help of using a non-traditional industrial sector for the municipality. Thus, there is an array of investment sites across the territory of the district to implement investment projects: construction of a concrete-mortar unit, Construction of a plant on manufacturing OSB boards from rice straw, Construction of a plant on manufacturing equipment for food industry, two sites for the construction of industrial production facilities etc.
According to V.V. Kuzminov, the district should have at least twenty investors that will allow it to develop dynamically, insure it against emerging problems with any of the companies, protect the economy, and additional jobs will attract qualified specialists and retain a skilled youth in the native district.
The Kalininskaya district is rich with water resources. The Ponura River is a natural main river. The district has a vast inland water reservoirs, estuaries and flooded areas. The territory is dissected by a large number of artificial canals, rice bays and drainage communications. Big Kirpilskiy, Khanskiy, Great Kucherivskiy and Great Plavovyi Estuaries are the largest of the estuaries here. Their water is fresh. There are reserves of brick clay, small deposits of sand and sea shells in the Kalininskaya district. In addition, gas reserves were identified at the Grechanovskoye, Grivenskoye and Prigibskoye fields.
The Kalininskaya district is one of the most attractive districts of the region for recreation, hunting and fishing. Inland water reservoirs, estuaries, jungle vegetation and natural food supply – all this is an ideal habitat of different species of wild ducks, geese, wild boars, foxes and hares.
Fishing pike perches, roaches, carps, perches and pikes all year round attracts fishermen from the Kalininskaya and other districts.